

Matches 21,251 to 21,300 of 23,145

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
21251 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Simon, Jacques Simon, Joseph Simon, Andre Hamel, Francois Hamel, Philippe Hamel, Jourdain Lajus, Paul Lajus, and Michel Derome. Family F4901
21252 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Terrien, Georges Plante, Jean Plante and Pierre Plante. Family F485
21253 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Texier, father of Rose, Louise Morache, step-brother of Augustin, Joseph Cottin, uncle of Augustin, and Augustin Verment, uncle of Rose. Family F5026
21254 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Toupin, Jacques Lefevre and Michel Tardif, brother of Anne. Family F1680
21255 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Trudel, father of Barbe, Jacques Asselin, father of Jacques, Charles L?, and Nicolas Blouin. Family F5058
21256 Present at the ceremony were Pierre Turgeons, Jean Turgeons, brothers of Zacharie, and Louis Leroy, brother of Elisabeth. Family F2611
21257 Present at the ceremony were Rene Alexandre Lemoine, Jacques Taillandier, Joseph Gerber and Joseph Chaplau. Family F2539
21258 Present at the ceremony were Rene Barbo (step-father of Germain), Jean Morain, Pierre Morain, Basile Morin, Louis Morin (brothers of Germain) and Bernard Lisot (uncle of Catherine). Family F392
21259 Present at the ceremony were Rene Cloutier and Marie Leblanc, parents of Louis, Jacque Tibault, brother of Anne, Martin Rouseau, Guimont, Eustache Fortin, step-brother of Louis, Alexis Gagnier and Jean Fournier. Family F1861
21260 Present at the ceremony were Rene Cuillerier, marchand, bourgeois, Claude Maurice dit Laphantaisie, cordonnier, Gervais Lefevre and Pierre Chantreau, bedeau. Family F205
21261 Present at the ceremony were Rene Pacquet, uncle of Jacques, Francois Pacquet, Louis Pacquet, brothers of Jacques, Jean Paradis, step-brother of Jacques and Dubreuil. Family F984
21262 Present at the ceremony were Robert Giffart and Martin Prevost. Family F4696
21263 Present at the ceremony were Robert Giffart, chirgurgien and Noel Juchereau. Family F2833
21264 Present at the ceremony were Robert Giffart, surgeon, and Noel Juchereau. Family F672
21265 Present at the ceremony were Robert Lefevbre, Simeon Leroy and Pierre Coirier. Family F3720
21266 Present at the ceremony were Robert Page & Marguerite Gandin, parents of Martin, Charles Godin & Marie Boucher, parents of Francoise, Charles Godin, Alexis Godin, Denis Quantin, Louis Gariepy and Guillaume Tardif. Dufournel, priest. Family F5441
21267 Present at the ceremony were Robineau dit Deportneuf, Lachevrotiere, Guilliaume Denevers and Robert Germaine. Family F1481
21268 Present at the ceremony were Severin Ameau, Pierre Lefevre and Joseph Masse. Family F4739
21269 Present at the ceremony were Severin Hameau and Pierre Boucher. Family F4615
21270 Present at the ceremony were Sidrac Dugue, ecuyer, seigneur, Jacques Voine, brother of Jean, Jacques Baucham, Jean Baucham, Marie Therese Dugue, Catherine Baucham, Francoise Guilin and Barbe Barbier. Family F4144
21271 Present at the ceremony were Simon Bilodo, Gabriel Bilodo, Jacques Bilodo, Joseph Beaumon, Charles Beaumont, Jean Leroy, Guillaume Roy, and Jacques Turgeon. Family F480
21272 Present at the ceremony were Simon Guion, Etienne Racine and Jean Guion Dubuisson. Family F3784
21273 Present at the ceremony were Simon Roy, Francois Paris, Jean Giron and Bernard Chapelain. Family F3624
21274 Present at the ceremony were Thomas Dejonquaire, ecuyer, enseigne dans les troupes de ce pays, Jean Peyet, maitre macon, Pierre Daillibout dit d'Argenteuil, ecuyer, lieutenant dans les troupes, Louis Daillibout dit Decoulonge, ecuyer, Pierre Couturier, maitre architect, and Desabrevois, capitaine de compagnie. Family F152
21275 Present at the ceremony were Thomas Doyon, brother of Antoine, Vital Caron, Jacques Ratte and Eustache Bascon. Family F1154
21276 Present at the ceremony were Thomas Juciaume, Francois Brazau, Charles Brunet and Antoine Lantie. Family F23
21277 Present at the ceremony were Toussaint Hunau, father of Marguerite, Anne Charbonneau, grandmother of Jean, Jean Chartran, cousin of Jean, Pierre Tailleffert, uncle of Marguerite, Gabriel Hunau, brother of Marguerite, Jean Potvin, step-brother of Marguerite. Family F1318
21278 Present at the ceremony were Toussaint Jourdain, brother-in-law of Charles, and Francois Cayet, grandfather of Josephe. Family F273
21279 Present at the ceremony were Urbain Texier, Louis Gueretin, Jacques Milliaux, Urbain Jette, Michel Bonneau and Laurent Archambault. Family F4548
21280 Present at the ceremony were Vincent Gagnon, Jacques Gagnon, brother of Mathurin, Vital Caron, Eustache Bacon and Noel Gagnon. Family F1365
21281 Present at the ceremony were Vincent Hanri (father of Suzanne), Antoine Picar, Marguerite Picar (brother and sister of Joseph), Joseph Sare (step-father of Joseph), Jean Chenie (uncle of Joseph), Clemence Rapin (aunt of Joseph), Antoine Lemaire (cousin of Joseph), Vincent Hanri, Marie Anne Hanri (brother and sister of Suzanne), Jean Baptiste Gourdon (uncle of Suzanne), and Paul Massia (cousin of Suzanne). Family F147
21282 Present at the ceremony were Zacarie Dupuy, major, marguillier, Jean Baptiste Migeon dit Debransat, procurer, Louis Chevalier, Laurent Cambin dit Lariviere, sergent, Pierre Biraut, soldat, and Jean Gasteau. Family F5162
21283 Present at the ceremony were Zacharie Cloustier, Jacques Jahan, Sr, from Ste. Famillie, I.O., Jacques Jahan, Jr., and Pierre Trudelle, from Ange Gardien.
Charles Amador Martin, priest 
Family F5518
21284 Present at the ceremony were Zacharie Dupuy, major, marguillier, Jean Baptiste Migeon Debransat, procureur, Louis Chevalier, Laurent Cambin Lariviere, sergent, Pierre Biraut, soldat, and Jean Gasteau. Family F5162
21285 Present at the ceremony, held at the chapel of the college of ?i? la Compagnie de Jesus?/i?, were Bourdon, D'Auteuil and Letardif.
Jean LeSueur dit de St Sauveur, priest 
Family F2395
21286 Present at the cermony were Jean Baptiste Chauret, Louis Chauret, Francois Chauret (brothers of Charles), Gabriel Labelle, Noel Lalonge, Joseph Aube, Simon Hote, Louis Goyer, Joseph Goyer, Michel Goyer (brothers of Marie Josephe), Thomas Bauquere (uncle of Marie Josephe), Joseph Laviolette, Joseph Goyer, Marie Louise Goyer. Family F718
21287 Present at the cermony were Jean Pare, father, Jacques Pare, Pierre Barbary dit Grandmaison, step-brother of Madeleine, and Rene Mallet. Family F254
21288 Present at the cermony were Leonard Lalande dit Latreille (father of Antoine), Noel Legault dit Delorier (father of Suzanne), Pierre Lalande, Charles Lalande (brothers of Antoine), Francois Martel (step-brother of Antoine), Noel Legault, Charles Legault, Joseph Legault (brothers of Suzanne), Jacques Brisebois (step-brother of Suzanne) and Guillaume Barbe. Family F1652
21289 Present at the marriage ceremony were Jean Delauson, gouverneur and Jean Bourdon. Family F3358
21290 Present at the marriage ceremony were Robert Giffart, chirurgien, and Noel Juchereau. Family F672
21291 Present at the marriage ceremony were Vivien Jean, Jean Pepin, Jean Francois Debilly and Etiennette Dubort. Family F2961
21292 present at the marriage Dr. A. M. Cholette Family F5493
21293 Present at the marriage was Jacques Poyer, father of Marguerite Francoise. Family F4691
21294 Present at the marriage was Noel Lisot (father of Joseph), Bernard Lisot (brother of Joseph), Marguerite Lisot and Marie Reine Lisot (sisters of Joseph), Joseph Boucher (brother of Catherine), and Maisonneuve (step-brother of Catherine). Family F417
21295 Present at the marriage were Alexis Guay, brother of Jean Baptiste, Jacques Gaudin, brother-in-law of Jean Baptiste, Jean Baptiste Renauld, Michel Renauld, Joseph Renauld, Jean Renauld, Joachim Renauld, brothers of Madeleine, Alexis Proteau, brother-in-law of Madeleine and Andre Spenard, brother-in-law of Madeleine, Family F324
21296 Present at the marriage were Baptiste Racicot , father, and Francois Deschaletais. Family F5020
21297 Present at the marriage were Charles Lisse, Guillaume Albert (step-brother of Jean Baptiste) and Jean Carie. Family F2561
21298 Present at the marriage were Charles Tinon Desroches, Francois Tinon and Pierre Racet. Family F1314
21299 Present at the marriage were Desmarais, Destquentin, Francois Lemaistre and Nicolas Lapree. Francois Lemercier, priest. Family F1487
21300 Present at the marriage were Francois Albert, father, and Jean Baptiste Lagace, brother of Marie. Family F2077

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