

Matches 20,801 to 20,850 of 23,145

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
20801 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Gagnon, son, Michel Blais, friend, Francois Bouchard, father, and Christopher Fortin, brother-in-law of Marie. Family F1992
20802 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Girard, father of Marie Francoise, Jean Baptiste Duret, brother of Charles, Henri Guerin, uncle of Charles, Jean Baptiste Gadiou, nephew of Charles, Jean Baptiste Boutet, brother-in-law of Charles, Louise Girard, sister of Marie Francoise, Pierre Chauveau, Francois Lepart, Angelique Frichet, and Jean Pasquet. Family F125
20803 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Jacob, Seigneurie de Beaupre, Pierre Tremblay, brother of Ignace, Nicolas Roussin and Antoine Peron. Family F240
20804 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Lessart, Charles Poulliot and Pierre ?. Family F505
20805 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Lessart, Louis Fontaine and Jacques Edouin. Family F382
20806 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Parent and Jean Dassilva. Family F468
20807 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Racine, Claude Auber, Claude Poulain and Jacques Gamache. Family F3830
20808 Present at the ceremony were Eustache Labrosse, father of Charles, Francois Burnet, guardian of Angele, Joachim Labrosse and Joseph Gauthier. Family F3
20809 Present at the ceremony were Eustache Labrosse, father, Eustache Labrosse, brother, Jean Marie Forget, father, Felix Forget, brother. Family F54
20810 Present at the ceremony were for the husband, Pierre Germain, Paul Germain, and Michel Germain, brothers, Jean Baptiste Gamme, Pierre Provost, uncle and for the wife, Luc Menard, Julian Menard, brothers, Francois Langlois, brother-in-law, and ? Menard. Family F528
20811 Present at the ceremony were Francis McCue, Ellen Cottagan and Michael Tereney. Family F1295
20812 Present at the ceremony were Francois Baudoin, father, Joseph Bricaud, father of Catherine, Guillaume Baudoin, Jean Baptiste Toin, Joseph Bricaud, Jean Baptiste Bricaud, and Joseph Bricaud. Family F1201
20813 Present at the ceremony were Francois Boucher, father, Jacques Lalande dit Mauger, father, Joseph Boucher, Jean Boucher, Nicolas Boucher, Francois Herve dit Laliberte and Joseph Boivin. Family F338
20814 Present at the ceremony were Francois Brunet, father of Jean Francois, Charles Haube, Joseph Brunet, Louis Renaud, Joachim Label, Clement Charle and Simon Delorme. Family F2162
20815 Present at the ceremony were Francois Cail, Jacques Testu, Pierre Lescuyer, step-brother of Michelle and Marie Juillet, step-sister of Michelle. Family F271
20816 Present at the ceremony were Francois Demarest, father, Jacques Loissel, father, Jean Baptiste Aynousse and Gabriel Laberge. Family F1478
20817 Present at the ceremony were Francois Dere and Nicolas Pivert. Family F446
20818 Present at the ceremony were Francois Desrochers dit Frappe, father of Marie, Derigauville, Lieutenant de la campagnie de M. Lacorne, Joseph Renault, Desrochers and Desrochers. Family F1842
20819 Present at the ceremony were Francois detrepagne, Jacques Seguin, Jean Treoret and Pierre Grandmaison. Family F3110
20820 Present at the ceremony were Francois Dupuis, father, and Francois Dupuis, Louis Dupuis, brothers. Family F5223
20821 Present at the ceremony were Francois Dupuis, father, Francois Dupuis, Jean Dupuis and Louis Dupuis. Family F4408
20822 Present at the ceremony were Francois Fleurie, father, Joseph Denomme, father, Francois Fleurie, brother, Vanase dit Vertefeuille, uncle of Joseph, Antoine Contois and Pierre Contois, uncles of Marie Anne, Joseph Denomme and Bonaventure Denomme, brothers. Family F5254
20823 Present at the ceremony were Francois Gangne, father of Louise, Joseph Blot, step-father of Paul, Etienne Symard, Francois Bouchard, Antoine Bouchard, all uncles of Paul, Pierre Symard, Prisque Symard, cousins of Paul, Michel Lavoye, notary, and Louis Filion, uncle of Louise. Family F392
20824 Present at the ceremony were Francois Garnier Laforce (step-father of Jacques), Jean Baptiste Meunier (brother of Jacques), Nicolas Favereau (step-brother of Jacques), Jean Favereau (step-brother of Jacques), Michelle Chartie (step-mother of Marie Genevieve), Louis Petit (brother of Marie Genevieve) and Jacques Girard (step-brother of Jacques). Family F972
20825 Present at the ceremony were Francois Gauthier, father of Heli, Paul Poirier, brother, Louis Belanger and Francois Bouret. Family F41
20826 Present at the ceremony were Francois Gauthier, father, Antoine Filiatreault, father, Jean Mallet and Charles Carrier. Family F37
20827 Present at the ceremony were Francois Gauthier, father, Jean Baptiste Gautier, brother of Francois, Francois Page, Pierre Seguin, friends, Joseph Seguin, godfather of Francois, Joseph Charlefoux, Francois Mare and Antoine Bouvien, friends of Marie Amable. Family F18
20828 Present at the ceremony were Francois Germain dit Belisle, father, Joseph Monnette & Jean Baptiste Monnette, uncles of Pierre, Pierre Provot, uncle of Francoise and Joseph Germain, uncle. Family F4646
20829 Present at the ceremony were Francois Girard, Pierre Girard, Pierre Petit, all uncles of Jean Baptiste, Pierre Dupille, and Paul Lose.
No surname was listed for Bibiane and no mention of her parents. 
Family F124
20830 Present at the ceremony were Francois Goulet, father of Francois, Pierre Fournier, Prisque Cochon, Baptiste Fournier, Athanase Cloutier, Joseph Dube and Pierre Cloutier. Family F1857
20831 Present at the ceremony were Francois Gregoire, Basile Gregoire, brothers, Andre Renault, Charles Dupont, brother-in-laws of Jean Baptiste, Francois Lasabloniere, Jacques Lasabloniere, brothers of Ursule, Francois Joffroy, Ignace Morault, Francois Lacroix & Pierre Lacroix, uncles of Ursule, Joseph Bonin, Baptiste St. Jean, Joseph Dragon, and Antoine Giars. Petit, priest Family F2504
20832 Present at the ceremony were Francois Hamel, brother of Charles, Vincent Glorial and Pierre Francois. It was noted that Charles' father, Francois Hamel, consented to the marriage but was not present due to illness. Family F4828
20833 Present at the ceremony were Francois Hamel, brother, Vincent Glorial and Pierre Francois. It was noted that Charles' father consented to the marriage but could not attend because of illness. Family F1662
20834 Present at the ceremony were Francois Hazur, marchand-bourgeois, Mathieu Guye, Nicolas Rageot, Jacques Liberge, Jean Poidras, Joseph Poidras and Jean Dubreuil. Family F3160
20835 Present at the ceremony were Francois Jerome Latour, soldier of the company of M. Le Verrier, Francois Keret Lavalee, solier of the company of M. Le Verrier, Antoine Tessero, charpenter and Pierre Chantereau. Family F2050
20836 Present at the ceremony were Francois Lacoste, brother of Pierre, Augustin Lacoste, brother of Pierre and Charles Aubertin, brother of Francoise. Family F947
20837 Present at the ceremony were Francois Langelier, father of Francois, Pierre Provot, father of Marie, Guillaume Provot, Louis Sedilot, uncle of Marie, Jean Petitclerc, uncle of Marie, Bertin Lafontaine, Charles Dauteuil, Louis Moreau and Claude Lamare. Family F1858
20838 Present at the ceremony were Francois Le Comte, Noel Brun, Jean Fort, Clement Guerin and Jean Merdieu. Family F1547
20839 Present at the ceremony were Francois Lemelin, brother of Gabriel, and Jean Baptiste, Morin, brother of Marguerite.
Family F350
20840 Present at the ceremony were Francois Lemelin, father of Francois, Pierre Gabriel Lemelin, brother, Pierre Pouliet, father of Rose, Francois Leblanc, and Amable Carrier. Family F352
20841 Present at the ceremony were Francois Martin, father of Catherine, Vincelotte dit Duhautmeny, Seigneur, Julien St. Jean, Francois Martin, grandfather of Catherine, Joseph Methot and Ignace Gravelle. Family F1679
20842 Present at the ceremony were Francois Paquet dit Lavallee, father, macon, Pierre Drouin, and Francois Madeleine Jobin. Family F2136
20843 Present at the ceremony were Francois Quintal (step-brother of Claire), Louis Menard (step-son of Claire), Boucher, seigneur de cette paroisse, Labaume, chirurgien, Defrontenac, comte, Dollier, grand vicaire de l'eveque de Quebec. Family F2543
20844 Present at the ceremony were Francois Racicot and Jean Baptiste Racicot. Family F732
20845 Present at the ceremony were Francois Racicot, uncle of Joseph, Charles Racicot, uncle of Joseph, Jacques Racicot, uncle of Joseph, Jean Baptiste Normandin, brother of Marguerite and Antoine Normandin, brother of Marguerite. Family F938
20846 Present at the ceremony were Francois Roy, Augustin Brunet, Jean Baptiste St.Jean and Jean Baptiste Lasse. Family F1370
20847 Present at the ceremony were Francois Trotain, Louis Jean and Bertrand Courtois. Family F2944
20848 Present at the ceremony were Francois Truffley Rotot and Pierre Cousseau Laviolette. Family F2651
20849 Present at the ceremony were Francois Valiere and Pierre Labelle. Family F1982
20850 Present at the ceremony were Francoise Monet, Francois Gauthier, Guillaume Monet, Gaddus Ethier, and Antoine Quintin.
Signed: Francois Gauthier, Angele Monet, Celina B. Monet, E. Gauthier, Olavine Gauthier, Gaddus Ethier, G. Monet and Delia Celina Gauthier. 
Family F32

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