

Matches 20,751 to 20,800 of 23,145

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
20751 Present at the ceremony were Charles Lemoyne dit Delongueil, noble homme, Jacques Lemoyne, Pierre Gadois, maitre armurier, Jacques Picot, marguillier en charge, Charles Dailleboust dit Desmusseaux, ecuyer, juge civil et criminel, Flortart dit Deleseure, chevalier de malte and Benigne Basset, notaire. Family F170
20752 Present at the ceremony were Charles Lemoyne dit Delongueuil, Jacques Leber, Jacques Lemoyne, Hugues Picard, step-father of Marie, Charles Dailleboust dit Desmusseaux, ecuyer, juge, Zacharie Dupuy, major de ce lieu, and Jean Baptiste Migeon dit Debranssat, procureur fiscal. Family F304
20753 Present at the ceremony were Charles Lemoyne dit Delongueuil, Jacques Leber, Jacques Lemoyne, Hugues Picard, step-father of Marie, Charles Dailleboust dit Desmusseaux, ecuyer, juge, Zacharie Dupuy, major de ce lieu, and Jean Baptiste Migeon dit Debranssat. Family F883
20754 Present at the ceremony were Charles Lemoyne, ?i?procureur de Roi?/i?, Pierre Gadois, ?i?ancien marguillie?/i?r, and Nicolas Millet, carpenter. Family F3755
20755 Present at the ceremony were Charles Lemoyne, Pierre Caille, Jacques Bourdon, Bertrand Lemartre and Francoise Gaubillau. Family F3316
20756 Present at the ceremony were Charles Normand, Comte, Charles Edouin and Robert Voyer. Family F3949
20757 Present at the ceremony were Charles Palentin dit Lapointe, Leonard Treny dit Laverdure and Etienne Denevert dit Brantigny. Family F4982
20758 Present at the ceremony were Charles Parent, Guillaume Barbe and Baptiste Gautier. Family F7
20759 Present at the ceremony were Charles Parent, Joseph Charlleboi, Pierre Gibau and Thomas Tourangeau. Family F237
20760 Present at the ceremony were Charles Plourde, brother of Pierre, and Jean Baptiste Migner dit Lagasse, brother of Desanges. Family F211
20761 Present at the ceremony were Charles Racicaut and Damase Deschamps. Family F937
20762 Present at the ceremony were Charles Simard, father of Marguerite, Pierre Allar, Noel Bouchard, cousins of Etienne, Etienne Simar and Honore Simar, brothers of Marguerite. Family F122
20763 Present at the ceremony were Charles Sitoleux dit Langevin, father, Pierre Roy, father, Charles Sitoleux, Louis Sitoleux, brothers, Michel Barbari, Jacques Perrier, uncle of Josephe, and Soupras. Family F196
20764 Present at the ceremony were Charles Sitoleux, Martin Lenac Bapome, Baptiste Dubois and Michel Brunet. Family F598
20765 Present at the ceremony were Charles Terriot, father, Antoine Richard, Francois Vigneux, uncle, Francois Dupuis, father, Francois Dupuis, Louis Dupuis, brothers, Pierre Belivaux, brother-in-law. Family F2585
20766 Present at the ceremony were Claude Aubert, Masse Gravelle and Acharie ?. Family F4850
20767 Present at the ceremony were Claude Cliche, Pierre Hamel, Louis Vallier and Claude Cliche, son of Claude Cliche. Family F318
20768 Present at the ceremony were Claude Dumay dit Lafeuliade, father of Charlotte, Baptiste Galipeau, Pierre Duclaus, Suzanne Chaperon and Jeanne Galipeaux. Family F1739
20769 Present at the ceremony were Claude Gravelle, Jean Doyon, Etienne Racine and Charles Cochon. Family F73
20770 Present at the ceremony were Claude Mouchaut, Charles Marquis, Pierre Egron and Jacques Boissel. Family F195
20771 Present at the ceremony were Claude Robillard (father of Claude), Marie Garndin (mother of Claude), Claude Secire (father of Angelique), Joseph Trothier, Michel Lefevbre, Francois Morelle, Jean Moison, Marie Catherine Trothier, Marie Anne Maugue, Pierre Raimbault, notaire royal, Jacques Boyer, and Francois Roy. Family F1151
20772 Present at the ceremony were Claude Robillard, Nicolas Laurence and Jean Baptiste Magneron. Family F5224
20773 Present at the ceremony were Claude Robutel dit Destandre, Gilbert Barbier, carpenter, Charles Comaut, Zacharie Dupuy, major de la garnison, Jacques Lemoye and Mathurin Josset. Family F923
20774 Present at the ceremony were Comporte, Jean Bernard Ance, Claude Petit and Jean Giron. Family F3182
20775 Present at the ceremony were Cottenoyre, Jean Cusson, Louis Provancher, Marie Bourgery, aunt of Clemence, Pierre Maupetit, Marie Bosne, wife of Pierre Maupetit, Vincent Jean, Gabrielle Bosne, wife of Vincent Jean, Jean Michau, Jean Gourdon, Jacques Filastreau, Nicole Filastreau, Marie Barbary and Pierre Bosne. Family F2241
20776 Present at the ceremony were de Loubias, captain and commandant of Trois Rivieres, de Vieupont, de Lamarche, father of Marie and de Lafons, mother of Marie. Family F4614
20777 Present at the ceremony were de Repentigny and de St. Germain, secretaire de conseil. Family F1369
20778 Present at the ceremony were Debudmon (Capitaine de Compaigne), Antoine Rapin, Jacques Girou, Francois Bigras, Tourangeau
Family F1064
20779 Present at the ceremony were Delapoterie and Francois Hartel. Family F4304
20780 Present at the ceremony were Delatousche, seigneur, Bavie, Martin Foysy, St. Martin, and Charles Dizi. Noted age of Paul, 25 years, and Marie, 18 years. Family F4729
20781 Present at the ceremony were Delorimier, Capitaine d'une compagnie du detachement de la marine, Jacques Chasle dit Duhomel, Jean Baptiste Pottier, notary, and Francois Lory, sergent royal. Family F1523
20782 Present at the ceremony were Delorimier, captain of the company of the navy, Jacques Chasle dit Duhomel, Jean Baptiste Pottier, royal notary, and Francois Lory, sergent royal. Family F633
20783 Present at the ceremony were Demaisonnefve, governor, Charles Lemoyne, interpreter and Francois Gode, carpenter. Family F4088
20784 Present at the ceremony were Denis Derome dit Descarreaux, Simon Longueville and Pierre Encougnere. Family F1552
20785 Present at the ceremony were Denis Destienne dit Declerins, Lieutenant, Alexandre Selle dit Duclos, Pierre Julillet, and Louis Juillet. Family F4497
20786 Present at the ceremony were Denis Joseph Juchereau dit Delaferte, Mathieu Amyot dit Devilleuve, Jacques Rousseau and Paul Francois Chalifour. Family F308
20787 Present at the ceremony were Denise Marie, mother of Jean, Francois Leguantier dit Derane, ecuyer, lieutenant d'une compagnie du detachement de la marine, Pierre Deniau, Pierre Cardinal, Jacques Lantier, Jean Chamaillart, Jean Poineau, Barbe Loyselle dit Derane and Marie Matour. Family F1728
20788 Present at the ceremony were Denys, Bellepoire and Chastillon. Family F1275
20789 Present at the ceremony were Derobineau, ecuyer, seigneur, Jacques Marcot, Paul Pero, Nicolas Paquin, Joseph Gautier Louis Motart and Louis Hardi. Family F1482
20790 Present at the ceremony were Dupuy, major of Montreal, Jean Baptiste Gadois, armurier, Dubreuil and Dechauniere. Family F1397
20791 Present at the ceremony were Edmond Tetier, Antoine Jandron and Pierre Baribaut. Family F2508
20792 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Amiot (father of Augustin), Etienne Braseau (father of Marguerite), Antoine Amiot, Francois Amiot (brothers of Francois), Etienne Braseau and Nicolas Braseau (brothers of Marguerite). Family F867
20793 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Amiot (father of Pascal), Etienne Braseau (father of Marie), Antoine Amiot, Francois Amiot (brothers of Pascal), Etienne Braseau and Nicolas Braseau (brothers of Marie). Family F591
20794 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Amiot Lincourt (nephew of Etienne), Charles Hedouin, Jean Baptiiste Delquel (step-brother of Etienne) and Charles Campagna (cousin of Jeanne). Family F3158
20795 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Bouchard, Nicolas Hudon Debeaulieu, Jean Baptiste Grondin (brother of Sebastien), Sebastien Bonain (step-brother of Sebastien), Nicolas Pinel (brother of Marie Anne) and Guillaume Peltier (step-brother of Marie Anne). Family F405
20796 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Boucher, brother, Jean Baptiste Meilleur, brother-in-law, Jean Baptiste Valliere, brother-in-law, Amable Corbeille, father, Jean Corbeille and brother. Family F2003
20797 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Caille and Francois Xavier Thomas dit Tranchemontague. Family F740
20798 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Chalifour, brother of Paul, Joseph Vandandeque, Fabien Badeau, Maurice d'Hery, step-brothers of Paul, Jacques Philippeau, brother of Jeanne, and Antoine Cadde, bourgeois. Family F989
20799 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Debled, Augustin Jeandron and Guion. Family F1949
20800 Present at the ceremony were Etienne Denevers dit Brentigny, Claude Bouchard dit Dorval and Denis Guyon. Family F4912

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