

Matches 20,651 to 20,700 of 23,145

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
20651 Present at the ceremony celebrated at the home de Longueuil were Etienne Trudault and Jacques Bourdon. Family F1452
20652 Present at the ceremony celebrated at the home of M. Boucher were Jean Cochon, Simon Gyon and Toussaint Toupin. Family F4438
20653 Present at the ceremony held at Notre-Dame were Jean Baptiste Jarry, father of the groom, Jean Baptiste Valliere, father of the bride, and Louis Barons. Family F1795
20654 Present at the ceremony held at St. Francois, Ile d'Orleans were Nicolas Letartre, Jean Mathieu, friends of Augustin, Francois Bilodeau and Jacques Bilodeau, brothers of Catherine. Family F458
20655 Present at the ceremony held at the chapel at Beauport were David Courbin, Germain Langlois and Jean Michel.
Francois Decrepieul, Jesuit priest 
Family F5564
20656 Present at the ceremony held in the home of M. Giffard were Giffard and DelaFerte. Family F4701
20657 Present at the ceremony in Sillery were Nicolas Pelletier and Pierre Milene. Family F1561
20658 Present at the ceremony in Sillery were Thomas Hayot and Jean Nouet. Family F637
20659 Present at the ceremony in the home of Louis Gagne were Letardif, Louis Gangner and Claude Auber. Family F3796
20660 Present at the ceremony presided over by Father Chambon were Michel Sire, father, Michel Sire, brother, Joseph Sire, Pierre Lorain, Charles Rose, father, Pierre Rose, Francois Rose, Pierre Choret and Jean Turcot. Family F1800
20661 Present at the ceremony presided over by Father Gilles Perot were Charles Lemoyne dit Delongueuil, ecuyer, and Jacques Lebert, marchand. Family F1125
20662 Present at the ceremony presided over by Father Gilles Perot were Gilles Lauzon, Pierre Caillet, master tailor, Jean Coron and Andre Carrier. Family F1808
20663 Present at the ceremony presided over by Father Plante were Louis Forget, Jacques Forget, Joseph Charbono (father), Joseph Carbono (son), Charles Labelle, Francois Labelle, Joachim Labelle, Jean Magneron, Michel Charbono, and Joseph Labelle. Family F1480
20664 Present at the ceremony presided over by Father Poulin were Jean Baptiste Pierre Berloin, Joseph Estier, Jean Estier and Joachim Labelle. Family F1799
20665 Present at the ceremony that was celebrated at the home of Gisfart were Gisfart and Delaferte. Family F1042
20666 Present at the ceremony was Francois Migne, brother of Marie Anne. Family F154
20667 Present at the ceremony was her brother, Jacques Henry. Family F1953
20668 Present at the ceremony was Jacques Leveque, brother of Louis. Family F546
20669 Present at the ceremony was Jacques Noel Legaut, uncle of Jean Baptiste, Joachim Labrosse, Joseph Duchesneau and Jacques Proult. Family F29
20670 Present at the ceremony was Louis Godefroi, ?i?officier dans les troupes?/i?. Family F2535
20671 Present at the ceremony was Mathurin Chabot. Family F371
20672 Present at the ceremony was Pierre Chantreau. Family F1712
20673 Present at the ceremony was Pierre Francois Dejourdy, Francois Lajeunesse, Pierre Goguet, Jean Goguet, brothers, Jean Migneron, step-father of Marie, Jean Maheu, uncle, Michel Sansoucys and Pierre Chezvallier, uncle of Marie. Family F4495
20674 Present at the ceremony was Thomas Andre, father and Thomas Andre, brother. Family F979
20675 Present at the ceremony was Urbain Baudry dit Lamarche. Family F183
20676 Present at the ceremony wer Jean Gauden, Augustin Trespagny, Prisque Trespagny, Genevieve Trespagny, Jean Roberge, Guillaume Pinel, Joseph Page, Eitenne Aiot, Etienne Aiot, Jr, Louise Angers and Catherine Coutachinaux.
Hazeur, priest 
Family F5526
20677 Present at the ceremony wer Squire Pierre Boucher, Lord of Grosbois and civil and cremininal adminstrator for the King in the jurisdiction of Trois Rivieres, damoiselle Jeanne Crevier, his wife, Christophe Crevier, Lord of the Meslee, and Jeanne Enard, his wife, Jean Sauvaget, Estienne Seigneuret and Madeleine Benassis, his wife, Jacques Fournier and Marguerite Crevier, his wife, Jean Godefro de Lintot and damoiselle Marie LeNeuf, his wife, Maurice Poulain, Sieur de la Fontaine and fiscal procurer. Family F2194
20678 Present at the ceremony were Abel Turcot and Benoit Pousard. Family F2764
20679 Present at the ceremony were Abel Turcot, Jacques Hardy and Nicolas Leblond. Family F487
20680 Present at the ceremony were Abraham Martin, Nicolas Peltier and Charles Sevestre. Family F3519
20681 Present at the ceremony were Adolphe Martel, father of Adolphe, and Francois Xavier Montmine, father of Cecile. Family F4493
20682 Present at the ceremony were Adrien Betourne, Pierre Betourne, Jacques Richaume and Marie Mousaux, wife of Louis Gilles. Family F4730
20683 Present at the ceremony were Alexandre Lacoste Languedoc, father of Louis, Pierre Babin, brother of Marie Anne, Jean Chicot and Pierre Huet. Family F2530
20684 Present at the ceremony were Alexandre Mosse, Francois Ouellet, Sebastien Ouellet, Philipe MaKenze, Joseph Jacques St. Pierre, father, Marguerite Francoise St. Pierre, sister, Pierre St.Pierre, uncle, Francois Sousi, uncle of Marguerite and Marie Therese Chorette St. Pierre, grandmother of Marguerite. Family F532
20685 Present at the ceremony were Alexis Godin, uncle of Jean Baptiste, Antoine Page, brother, Antoine Godin, cousin, Jacques Richard and Jacques Fournel, uncles of Marie Josephe, and Jean Francois Richard, brother. Lacoudray, Dumont, and Menage, priests. Family F5440
20686 Present at the ceremony were Alexis Mathe, father, Alexis Mathe and Francois Mathe, brothers, Laurent Mathe, cousin, Etienne Page, Augustin Trepagny, Jean Baptiste Carpentier and Jean Francois Briere. Jean Baptiste Fichert, priest. Family F5027
20687 Present at the ceremony were Andre Badelle dit Lamarche (father of Charlotte), Joseph Trothier, Pierre Guaidon, Francois Morel, Claude Robillart, Jeanne Badelle, Jacques Seguin, Jean Dany, Hugues Messaguier and Therese Robillart. Family F202
20688 Present at the ceremony were Andre Baune, step-father of Pierre, Joseph, Jean & Andre Baune, brothers, Pierre Bourguignon, father of Catherine, Pierre Bourguignon, brother, and Andre Leblais, step-brother. Family F576
20689 Present at the ceremony were Andre Bernard, father, Jacques Bouffard and Etienne Fontaine. Family F5281
20690 Present at the ceremony were Andre Pilon, brother of Pierre and Pierre Ablain, cousin of Veronique. Family F3108
20691 Present at the ceremony were Anicet Boyer, Pierre Bodin, Adrien Legris and Rene Louis Hubert. Family F325
20692 Present at the ceremony were Antoine & Charles Pilon, brothers, Joseph Trottier, servant of the father, Janvier Dault, brother. Family F982
20693 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Anpin, brother-in-law of Antoine, Charles Lagorce, friend, Nicolas Hiertin, friend and Alexis Sicard, brother of Angelique. Family F456
20694 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Bourie Lachapelle, Guillaume Edeline Laibonte, soldat de M. Lacorne, Francois Queldant Frapedabore and Jean Queneville, bedeau. Family F203
20695 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Brassart, Nicolas Gaudry and Louis Fontaine. Family F1403
20696 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Buchanal, Francois Langdoc, friends of Baptiste, Joseph Aubertin, father of Angelique, and Joseph and Charles Aubertin, brothers of Angelique. Family F3333
20697 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Casse, Charles Couillart deBeaumont, ecuyer, Joseph Casse (brother of Charles), Denis Nadaut (step-brother of Charles), Charles Paquet, Antoine Paquet (brothers of Francoise). Family F789
20698 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Darde, Rene _, Etienne Drouin, and Antoine Toupin. Family F3741
20699 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Gendra, father of Marie Josephe, Marguerite Bercier, sister of Pierre, Rene Gendra, Jean Baptiste Gendra, cousins of Marie Josephe, Jean Tessier, Jean Baptiste Leduc and Jean Baptiste Guyon dit Lachapelle. Family F2505
20700 Present at the ceremony were Antoine Lacasse, Jean Baptiste Berthiaume, Pierre Labelle, Louis Filiatreau, Charles Coron and Francois Labelle. Family F782

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