

Matches 20,351 to 20,400 of 23,145

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
20351 Pierre Duchenne, residence:St-Francois-de-Sales, I.O., 19 years Duchesne, Pierre (I9063)
20352 Pierre enlisted to go to Canada in the study of notary Lafousse at La Fleche, Anjou, for the salary of 100 livres per year. Godin dit Chatillon, Pierre (I2435)
20353 Pierre entered into an agreement on 9 December 1670 with Charles Aubert to deliver lime and stone for a building in the Lower Town.
Jeanne Badeau handled the following transactions:
The Seminary of Quebec requested, on 15 October 1675, that Beauport stone be delivered to the bottom of the slope at the hospital. On 22 December 1678, Charles Aubert ordered quick lime and Beauport stone for a building on Rue Sault-au-Matelot; he would also need stone for the building of a wind mill tower at Pointe-aux-Lievres. On 11 March 1682, she agreed to deliver to their neighbor in Upper Town, Francois Hazeur, the necessary stone to build two chimneys between the their houses. The Ursulines requested lime, cut stone and common stone for their convent on 4 February 1688. Jeanne and son Charles promised Francoise Juchereau, on 8 March 1704, to deliver the necessary lime to build a water mill on the river Ferree, at Saint-Pierre, Ile d'Orleans. 
Parent, Pierre (I2503)
20354 Pierre entered into this contract with Gabrielle Barre before notary, Audouart. This contract was annulled. Labrecque, Pierre (I4746)
20355 Pierre filed a criminal suit against Mathurin Thibodeau dit Lalime, a member of Saint-Jean parish. There were 13 pieces of judicial proceedings regarding fighting cocks. Michaud, Pierre (I647)
20356 Pierre Gagnon gave Nicolas a half-arpent of frontal land which he detached from his own farm. Nicolas was to build a home in a year and work there by the fall. The document was drawn up by notary Audouart, at the home of Gagnon. Witnesses were Nicolas Verieul and Claude Auber.

Jean Cauchon also made a gift of two arpents of frontal land by a league and a half deep, bordering the land received from Pierre Gagnon. Nicolas was to pay Cauchon, each year, 42 sols and 1 capon for rents and the cens owed to the seigneurs. He could not sell the land without permission from the owners.

It appears that Nicolas had worked for Gagnon and Cauchon for more than two years and was given the land as an award for his good service.
Lebel, Nicolas (I3059)
20357 Pierre Gasnier, from paroisse de Notre-Dame-de-Quebec. Gagne, Pierre (I1553)
20358 Pierre Gaudin was a charpentier and he and Jeanne were from Montreal Family F1095
20359 Pierre gave to his son, Pierre-Thierry, 60 arpents of land on the edge of the Riviere des Prairies for services rendered. The property was near Etienne Pigeon. Lorrain, Pierre Thierry (I3248)
20360 Pierre Gerllon, 30 years, from Ange-Gardien Greslon, Pierre (I11111)
20361 Pierre Gibouin finally decided to return to France and wanted the payment for the 3 arpents of land he agreed to sell in 1667. Gibouin agreed to a price of 750 livres, half to be paid immediately. This transaction was recorded by notary Duquet. Simard dit Lombrette, Noel (I2941)
20362 Pierre Goyer and Louise Garnier came with Jeanne Manse. Pierre and Louise were to work at the Hotel-Dieu de Montreal. Garnier, Marie Louise (I11030)
20363 Pierre Grellon, 20 years, from Notre-Dame-de-Quebec Greslon, Pierre (I11111)
20364 Pierre had 48 arpents of cleared land and a planked house 30 by 20 feet. On the property was a 50 foot straw covered barn. Labbe, Pierre (I1105)
20365 Pierre had not paid for the 3 arpents of land he purchased from Jean Guy. The lieutenant-general of the court at Quebec ordered him to pay up as soon as possible. St. Denis, Pierre (I1175)
20366 Pierre had not yet paid the 200 livres owed to Jean Guy for the three arpents of land. The lieutant general of the court ordered Pierre to pay up at the earliest possibility. Jean Guy hired Charles de Villiers (merchant and member of the Sovereign Council) as agent to obtain what was due him by force. St. Denis, Pierre Sieur de la Ronde (I3542)
20367 Pierre immigrated with his wife Jacquette Grignon and their children, Marie-Olive, Jean, Suzanne and Marie. Delavoye, Pierre (I8713)
20368 Pierre Jousselot, his four daughters and son came to Canada in 1668. Jousselot, Jeanne (I13584)
20369 Pierre Jousselot, his four daughters and son came to Canada in 1668. Jousselot, Renee (I13595)
20370 Pierre Jousselot, his four daughters and son came to Canada in 1668. Jousselot, Marie (I13597)
20371 Pierre Jousselot, his four daughters and son came to Canada in 1668. Jousselot, Anne (I13599)
20372 Pierre Labbe from: eveche du Mans, 24 years Labbe, Pierre (I1105)
20373 Pierre Le Gardeur de Repentigny ceded land to Robert at Longue-Pointe (Beaupre). Caron, Robert (I1626)
20374 Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny entrusted Jacques with the development of his farm. The 5 year lease provided Jacques with 1 dwelling, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 heifer, pigs, all appraised at a value of 732 livres. Jacques already owed Legardeur 898 livres, 10 sols, upon the return of the ships from France. In addition, "in 2 years" Jacques must pay 500 livres "for half of the land which he will leave him the first year". The tenant could cut or sell all the firewood that he wanted by paying 10 sols a cord. This complicated contract was signed by notary Lecoustre. Archambault, Jacques (I10531)
20375 Pierre LeRoux sold a concession of 60 square arpents on the Saint-Dominique coast to Toussaint. Hunault, Toussaint (I10013)
20376 Pierre Mouette, son of Pierre Mouette dit Demoras and Marie Toupin Family F4604
20377 Pierre Normand dit LaBriere complained about an account: 36 livres 10 sols "for labor and edgetool work that he had done for him (Noel) and for a wheel hoop that he had provided him". Noel replied that Pierre owed him for several deliveries of sand, lime and stone, worth 20 livres. Rose paid 20 livres "for balance of all accounts" and the expenses of the court. So we learn that Noel did manual work and owned a cart and at least one horse. Rose, Noel (I1843)
20378 Pierre obtained a concession from Sieur Jean Maudry that consisted of one half arpent in frontage. It included a house, garden, stable and thirty foot barn. Paradis, Pierre (I3182)
20379 Pierre obtained a concession of land consisting of 4 arpents of frontage, located in the parish of Saint-Francois. Duchesne dit Delapierre, Pierre (I6341)
20380 Pierre obtained a concession of land measuring six and one-half arpents of frontage by 126 deep. His neighbors were his brother Mathurin and Jean Cachon Junior. Gagnon, Pierre (I9238)
20381 Pierre obtained land from Jean Baptiste LeGardner, Sieur de Repentigny, 2 and 2/3 arpents of frontal land in the territorial domain of the fief of Charlesville, near neighbors Jean Trudel and Jacques Vauclin. This farm in located today in the municipality of Boischatel, detached from L'Ange-Gardien in 1925, about 31 arpents east of the Montmorency Falls. Maheu, Pierre (I6635)
20382 Pierre owned 6 arpents of frontage by 30 in depth, situated to the southeast of the little river Oumachiche. The land had a house, barn-stable, 12 arpents of workable land and 2 arpents of meadows. The was required to pay seigneur Louis Boucher de Grosbois 5 livres and 5 capons for rent and 1 denier for cens. Heroux dit Bourgainville, Pierre (I6145)
20383 Pierre owned a concession of twelve arpents of frontal land on the river. Michaud, Pierre (I647)
20384 Pierre Paradis, 15 years Paradis, Pierre (I3203)
20385 Pierre Parant, residence: Beauport, 40 years Parent, Pierre (I2518)
20386 Pierre purchased 2 arpents of frontage by 44 deep from Christophe Crevier. Paradis, Pierre (I7135)
20387 Pierre purchased 3 aprents of frontage from Jean Guy. St. Denis, Pierre (I1175)
20388 Pierre purchased 60 arpents of land from Etiennette Despres. He later sold this property, including a house, barn and stable, on 8 July 1659 for 500 livres. Parent, Pierre (I2503)
20389 Pierre purchased a farm of 3 arpents in frontage from Claude Darcollier for 75 livres. Labbe, Pierre (I1105)
20390 Pierre purchased a farm with three arpents of frontage from Jean Guy. St. Denis, Pierre Sieur de la Ronde (I3542)
20391 Pierre purchased a half arpent of frontage from Sieur Jean Maudry, surgeon to the King. It was called "La Cabane-aux-Taupiers" and not far from his first property. It contained a house, garden, stable and 30 foot barn. Paradis, Pierre (I7135)
20392 Pierre purchased a piece of land with two arpents of frontage by forty-four deep from Christophe Crevier. Paradis, Pierre (I3182)
20393 Pierre purchased land from Pierre Emond for 140 livres in silver coins. Albert, Pierre (I436)
20394 Pierre raised and bought animals to sell the meat at the market. On 30 August 1662, he received permission from Govenor Pierre du Bois to use a site in the Upper Town of Quebec as a slaughter house. Protesters appeared before the Sovereign Council on 24 April 1677 regarding the location of the butchershop. Frontenac agreed and Pierre relocated on 24 October 1678.
Parent, Pierre (I2503)
20395 Pierre received a concession from Jean de Lauzon, Governor of New France. Simard dit Lombrette, Pierre (I1130)
20396 Pierre received a concession of land from Msgr de Laval. The land was located to the east of the actual parish of Saint-Pierre on the Ile d'Orleans. On 5 July 1670 he sold this land, which included a cabin, to Simon Duverger for 60 livres, to be paid in two payments. Labbe, Pierre (I1105)
20397 Pierre received a concession of land from the Jesuits that consisted of three arpents of frontal land by 16 deep. The land was located in the seigneurie of Notre-Dame-des-Agnes, near Quebec. Parent, Pierre (I2503)
20398 Pierre received a land grant of three arpents of river frontage from Msgr de Laval. It was within the Saint-Jean parish boundries. Michaud, Pierre (I647)
20399 Pierre resold a piece of land that he had bought from Louise Cloutier to Etienne Janneau (notary and merchant) for 320 livres.
Dancose, Pierre (I973)
20400 Pierre returned to France where he was a witness to the marriage contract of his nephew Jacques Simard. Simard dit Lombrette, Pierre (I1130)

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